How to get 100 followers on Medium in a short time!

Claudio Autiero đź–‹
3 min readJan 10, 2023
100 Followers on Medium allows us to be able to participate in Medium’s Partner Program

Since Medium introduced the 100-follower barrier in order to participate in the partners program, it is full of stories in which users tell you how to earn those 100 followers in a very short time.
The method, roughly, is as follows.

Are you looking to gain more followers on Medium?

That’s great, because I am too!

Together, I believe that we can achieve our goal.

Hi there, my dream is to be a part of the Medium Partner Program and make money by writing engaging content, but for that, I need more followers.

I’m guessing you do too, if you’re reading this. That’s why I have a challenge for you. I recently came across another Medium user, who suggested a “follow for follow” challenge, where we support each other in achieving our common goal. I thought it was a great idea, so I decided to write my own article and give it a try.

Here’s how it works:

1. Follow me now!

2. Leave as many claps as you can on my post

3. Leave a comment letting others know that you’re participating and introduce yourself if you’d like

4. I’ll clap for your comments

5. I’ll go through your posts and leave…



Claudio Autiero đź–‹

Top Writer in: #Ideas, #Creativity, #Innovation. Follow me here on Medium to become a Top Writer.